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Revision plates

your partner in the packaging industry

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Revision plates

What kind of plates do we overhaul and repair?

At Venlopack we overhaul and repair pre-heating and sealing plates of thermoforming packaging machines of various brands. These plates play a crucial role in the packaging process, but are subject to wear and tear due to intensive use.

How does this work?

Preheating and sealing plates wear out due to factors such as contamination, damage, or simply prolonged use. This can affect the non-stick coating, heating elements and temperature sensors. During an overhaul, we thoroughly clean the plates, repair any dents or scratches, and provide them with new parts such as heating elements and an anti-stick coating. Because we perform this process entirely in-house, we can work quickly and efficiently, resulting in a shorter turnaround time for your overhauls.

Repair and overhaul

Feel free to contact us for options, even if you have an emergency.

About Venlopack

Venlopack B.V. is a company that was founded in 2008. Our team currently consists of 3 people and our strength is precision, speed and doing what the customer asks and needs.

At Venlopack we stand for fast and reliable solutions. Whether it is supplying high-quality sealing gaskets, heating elements or heatcarts, or repairing and overhauling your heating plates or seal plates.

About Venlopack

Venlopack B.V. is a company that was founded in 2008. Our team currently consists of 3 people and our strength is precision, speed and doing what the customer asks and needs.
At Venlopack we stand for fast and reliable solutions. Whether it is supplying high-quality sealing gaskets, heating elements or heatcarts, or repairing and overhauling your heating plates or seal plates.

Contact Us
077 396 8204

We work by appointment only and are available Monday to Friday: 08:00 to 16:00

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